Bird silhouettes, dark against the bright sky often kindle my imagination with a romantic notion of utter freedom. Freedom from the tiresome anxieties of the thoughts that plague our collective minds down here in these strange times. Each type has its own flight pattern and after years of gazing skyward, I recognize some birds by this alone. American goldfinches (quite…
And this is not the blog post I planned to write. April 2, 2020 marks the anniversary of quitting my job, selling my home, and traveling for two years. I’d planned to announce that, after much dithering, I had decided to end (or at least pause) my nomadic ways and move to Munich. I would speak of celebrations with my…
What do I miss most about the US? I mentioned in an earlier post that one thing I really miss from the US is the clothes washing situation. For any not familiar with the European washing process, it goes something like this. Washing machines are the size of a small dishwasher. I cannot fathom how families cope with this fact…
My first time back in the US since leaving on my amazing adventure Fellow nomads warned me that I might feel reverse culture shock upon returning to the US after 15 months of traveling. I’m not sure what that was meant to them, but I didn’t have it. Possibly I avoided it since I didn’t go “home” per se and…
A few months ago I got a message saying, “Tiddles and Shindig need you in May!” So here I am revisiting my first housesit. Greetings from Great Malvern, England. After a wonderful but uncharacteristically chilly and rainy stay in Germany, I told the homeowners that I was looking forward to going to England for some warmth and sunshine. I said…
It’s been one year since I boarded a plane with a one-way ticket for Scotland. Not long before my last day at work, a coworker told me that others were placing bets about me. “Oh really?,” I asked, “Betting on when I’ll be back?” “No, betting on whether or not you’ll be back at all.” Shivering in the Edinburgh cold…