• Europe is exhausting, eh?

    Day 5 in Munich is getting off to a slow start. It’s been a wonderful meandering experience with very few firm plans other than nightly drinking with a great group of folks of all ages and origins brought together under a common love of travel, fun, and our gracious host, Bill Laughlin. I’m not as ambitious as Mark with his…

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  • Unraveling the Mysteries of European Train Passes

    After many, many hours of poring over library books, Rick Steves videos, public transport websites and traveler’s forums, I have pinned down reservations for all major aspects of our upcoming trip and have been dubbed by Marcie as Christina Rick Steves Howell. Which Train Pass? When I started looking at our transportation options, the Swiss pass looked pretty appealing with…

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  • Europe Anticipation

    It seems Mark & Nita have fallen in love with France.  After honeymooning there a few years ago and going back twice since, they decided to rent an apartment in Avignon for a month and invite friends to come visit.  Marcie, Beth & I were so glad that we took them up on the offer.  The apartment was beautiful, the food delicious, the…

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  • Belated update on Spain

    Barcelona was fun, mellow, beautiful, fairly reasonably priced; somewhat unsafe feeling at times, but I would recommend going there.  Getting around was easier than in Copenhagen. Things were closer to each other than they looked on the map.  The street names stuck in my head easier and were typically fairly well marked. I arrived on Friday night and was ecstatic…

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  • Glyptotek, Tivoli Gardens and Canals, Oh my!

    My second day in Copenhagen started off a bit slow with repacking everything and lugging my 46-pound suitcase, laptop, and bag o’crap into the metro and across town to the Imperial Hotel.  By the time I got there, I was ready for lunch and a nap.  The room wasn’t ready yet, so I opted to have a nice leisurely lunch…

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  • Solo Copenhagen

    Copenhagen is clean, sophisticated, convenient, high  quality and a bit cold… kind of like me.  The subway is very easy to navigate and immaculate.  The Quality Inn was conveniently located a few minutes from the metro, the beds were very comfortable, the staff was quite helpful… it was quite unfortunate that the rooms smelled of sewage.  On the upside, I…

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