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My Uterus and the case of the Missing Essay July 22, 2024
A Letter to Myself and a Commitment to Myself and My Memoir June 28, 2024
Getting Published, Shame, and Saber-toothed Tigers June 4, 2022
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I have always been an avid reader, but before I started writing memoir, I rarely read it. I remember being deeply moved by Maya Angelou’s I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings, but I didn’t even think about it being a memoir or consider seeking out more. I suppose it’s because I grew up reading fantasy and sci-fi, as my…
My writing journey has been full of twists and turns, much like my romantic life. Recently, I found out that one of my essays even ghosted me! I was updating my author bio and clicked on the link for my essay only to find the link was broken. I knew that wasn’t a good sign, but I guess some part…
~A Letter to Myself and a Commitment to Myself and My Memoir~ Hi! Remember me? It’s been a while since I’ve written here. What’s sad is that I actually have written blog posts that I don’t feel are worthy of sharing. As you’ll read below, I had no idea when I started how much of writing is mental work. It…
Back in August, I shared my first published piece and shared about the process. I’m so pleased that I have been published again, and this time I’m even getting paid — a whole $10! My essay, “True Love, Fairy Tales, and George R.R. Martin” found a home at the literary magazine, Her Stry. What does the author of The Game…
I went to the Zurich botanical gardens today on Sunday, and sent my dear friend Nita some photos and she told me: “BLOG IT!!!” I said something about perfectionism paralysis and about feeling like there are so many other things I should post first and she said, “Just get it out there!” Yeah… I’ve been doing a lot of preaching…
So it’s been a while since I’ve posted – over a year. A lot has happened since then, yet a lot hasn’t happened as well. So much has changed in my life and the world that I feel paralyzed about where to start. The perfectionist in me says that I should post something about what I learned from my 31…