Edinburgh, beautiful, friendly, wet and chilly

Though my first trip to Edinburgh was in February 2015 and certainly not warm, it had been sunny and only chilly, not blustery cold and wet. I have been spoiled in my past travels and blessed with unseasonably great weather.  So why would I expect anything less when visiting Scotland in April? My British friends knew better and scoffed at my naivety.
When we arrived on April 3, 2018, it was dreary, raining, and 37.  Lucky for us, we had the thrill of beginning our adventure to keep us warm! A friendly, kilted concierge welcomed us to our elegant hotel, the Principal on George Street.  He introduced himself in a wonderful Scottish accent as Marchin.  It was such a lovely accent that we didn’t understand him the first four times so he finally said, “You know, like marching to war” and pantomimed marching with raised knees and swinging arms.  We didn’t find out until the end of our stay that he was actually Polish but had lived in Scotland for fourteen years. His Scottish accent was convincing enough to our American ears.
Stacy Christina and our kilted concierge at the Principal Hotel
I’ve got to admit… the first night when we were sitting at dinner in silence (I wasn’t sure if it was companionable, exhausted, or stony silence), the shadows of doubts swirled in the space between us and haunted me when I tried to sleep.

Snow in Edinburgh!

The second day in Edinburgh it snowed!  We only left the hotel briefly for food and haircuts and some quick photos.  Though we could have done without the cold, seeing the town get a thin blanket of snow was pretty magical. We relaxed at the hotel and enjoyed a quiet day inside, reveling at the thought that we still had a whole year ahead of us.
Snow over Edinburgh in April

The Edinburgh Castle nearly obscured by snow

Scottish pubs are the best!

By dinner time the snow had let up and we bundled up and headed to a cute pub we had passed earlier called the Queens Arms.  It was “meat night” where they serve the meat of the day on a board with enough to split for two along with two glasses of wine thrown into the deal.  It’s like they knew I was coming! Meat and wine are two of my favorite things!  Add a good friend and traveling and stellar cocktails to boot and I was pretty much in heaven.
Doubts, rain and cold had not made their last appearance, but I was quite happy to discard them for another day.
Delicious chicken entree at the Queens Arms

Delicious chicken entree at the Queens Arms

Stacy glowing in Edinburgh
Christina glowing in Edinburgh
Amazing cocktails at the Queens Arms

Amazing cocktails at the Queens Arms


Prev post: English Food and Haggis get a Bad RapNext post: Long-term Travel Isn’t Always Unicorns and Rainbows

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About Me

Hi, I'm Christina. I love travel, cats, gardens, house sitting, birds, painting, dogs, museums, good food & drink, you know - all the good stuff! I've been working on my first memoir, Magicians, Cross Dressers and My Uterus while living my second!

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