• Stress, Spider bites and Sprained ankles

    God’s got a sick sense of humor… My doctor said that God was playing a joke on me to see how badly I wanted this adventure.  I thought about skipping writing about the stress to get back to the fun stuff, but I’m keeping it real. The past few weeks were some of the most stressful of my life. Frustration,…

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  • Dave Grohl and Goodbyes

    Today is the last day of my 12-year career at Garmin.  Soon every day will feel like a Saturday but today is bittersweet.  Yesterday I dropped my dad off at the airport.  This morning my brother left before dawn with my sweet Princess Mia Mole Slayer.  Today I say goodbye to the friends who have made going to work each…

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About Me

Hi, I'm Christina. I love travel, cats, gardens, house sitting, birds, painting, dogs, museums, good food & drink, you know - all the good stuff! I've been working on my first memoir, Magicians, Cross Dressers and My Uterus while living my second!

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