My first time back in the US since leaving on my amazing adventure Fellow nomads warned me that I might feel reverse culture shock upon returning to the US after 15 months of traveling. I’m not sure what that was meant to them, but I didn’t have it. Possibly I avoided it since I didn’t go “home” per se and…
I promise I’ll write about my Scotland experiences soon, but I came across this quote today from Janette Tepas in an International Living article and it expresses something I’ve been thinking about a lot lately. The featured photo is one that I took in Hawaii in 2013. It had rained every day (I’m not talking sprinkles, this was downpour) and…
It seems Mark & Nita have fallen in love with France. After honeymooning there a few years ago and going back twice since, they decided to rent an apartment in Avignon for a month and invite friends to come visit. Marcie, Beth & I were so glad that we took them up on the offer. The apartment was beautiful, the food delicious, the…
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