• Laundry in Europe vs US

    What do I miss most about the US? I mentioned in an earlier post that one thing I really miss from the US is the clothes washing situation. For any not familiar with the European washing process, it goes something like this. Washing machines are the size of a small dishwasher. I cannot fathom how families cope with this fact…

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  • Time Flies When You Follow Your Dreams

    It’s been one year since I boarded a plane with a one-way ticket for Scotland. Not long before my last day at work, a coworker told me that others were placing bets about me. “Oh really?,” I asked, “Betting on when I’ll be back?” “No, betting on whether or not you’ll be back at all.” Shivering in the Edinburgh cold…

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About Me

Hi, I'm Christina. I love travel, cats, gardens, house sitting, birds, painting, dogs, museums, good food & drink, you know - all the good stuff! I've been working on my first memoir, Magicians, Cross Dressers and My Uterus while living my second!

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