Way back when Stacy and I started scheming our adventure, we discussed saving money by housesitting. We applied for a couple sits on TrustedHouseSitters.com but never heard a peep in return. It didn’t take much to discourage us since we hadn’t tapped into our reserves yet, so we just moved on and Airbnb’d it. When Stacy went back home, I…
Today marks my 163rd day abroad, 100 days of it being “solo” travel. Can’t very well say 100 days of solitude. My worries about being lonely haven’t had many occasions to be tested. I’ve had visits with friends and family from the US, England, Norway, and Germany and have made new friends here in Berlin. Stacy told me that I…
A few people have gently reminded me that it has been a very long time since I wrote a blog entry. This is especially embarrassing because I have mostly been staying put here in Berlin lately so in theory, I should have more time to write. So what have I been doing other than trying to decide if I should write…
Many scorn Facebook for its fake nature. Each social media post is a window to that person’s reality. The size, slant, and tint of the window is influenced by what they want you to see, what they want to hide, where they are, who they are with, what they had for lunch, and how they see themselves. I admit that…
Though my first trip to Edinburgh was in February 2015 and certainly not warm, it had been sunny and only chilly, not blustery cold and wet. I have been spoiled in my past travels and blessed with unseasonably great weather. So why would I expect anything less when visiting Scotland in April? My British friends knew better and scoffed at…
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My Uterus and the case of the Missing Essay July 22, 2024
A Letter to Myself and a Commitment to Myself and My Memoir June 28, 2024
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