I promise I’ll write about my Scotland experiences soon, but I came across this quote today from Janette Tepas in an International Living article and it expresses something I’ve been thinking about a lot lately. The featured photo is one that I took in Hawaii in 2013. It had rained every day (I’m not talking sprinkles, this was downpour) and…
This is it. Stacy sits next to me on the plane to Edinburgh, Scotland, reading a fantasy novel about dragons. As surreal as this feels, we may as well be on our way to fight dragons ourselves. It hasn’t sunk in yet that this is the day. The first day of what? The rest of our lives? The first day…
God’s got a sick sense of humor… My doctor said that God was playing a joke on me to see how badly I wanted this adventure. I thought about skipping writing about the stress to get back to the fun stuff, but I’m keeping it real. The past few weeks were some of the most stressful of my life. Frustration,…
If you know me at all, you probably know how much I love to travel and I’ve probably told you about my dream to live abroad. For years I have been standing on the edge of a diving board, too afraid to jump in but too stubborn to turn around and walk back. Well, my friends, this is really happening…
After a harrowing drive, we arrived in the town of Arundel which was much quainter and pretty than Southampton where I work 45 minutes away. The castle is very well preserved and still inhabited by its family. Here’s a photo I took on the walk up to the castle. We must have still looked harried from the drive. As we…
My last European adventure began with my director renting a car in Heathrow and me navigating us South to Arundel castle which a coworker had recommended that none of us had ever heard of. I was especially excited because the day we were going to be there was a smugglers and pirates festival. We hit the road and my director…
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