90% of the time when we meet new people, they will ask one of these questions and not get much deeper than that: “Where are you from?” “Are you married?” “Do you have kids?” “What do you do?” (Of course, this always means what’s your job, not what do you for fun.) Generic questions sketch a convenient caricature. For some,…
Today marks my 163rd day abroad, 100 days of it being “solo” travel. Can’t very well say 100 days of solitude. My worries about being lonely haven’t had many occasions to be tested. I’ve had visits with friends and family from the US, England, Norway, and Germany and have made new friends here in Berlin. Stacy told me that I…
A few people have gently reminded me that it has been a very long time since I wrote a blog entry. This is especially embarrassing because I have mostly been staying put here in Berlin lately so in theory, I should have more time to write. So what have I been doing other than trying to decide if I should write…
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