About Me

Hi, I'm Christina. I love travel, cats, gardens, house sitting, birds, painting, dogs, museums, good food & drink, you know - all the good stuff! I've been working on my first memoir, Magicians, Cross Dressers and My Uterus while living my second!

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  • Dave Grohl and Goodbyes

    Today is the last day of my 12-year career at Garmin.  Soon every day will feel like a Saturday but today is bittersweet.  Yesterday I dropped my dad off at the airport.  This morning my brother left before dawn with my sweet Princess Mia Mole Slayer.  Today I say goodbye to the friends who have made going to work each…

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  • This is happening!

    If you know me at all, you probably know how much I love to travel and I’ve probably told you about my dream to live abroad.  For years I have been standing on the edge of a diving board, too afraid to jump in but too stubborn to turn around and walk back. Well, my friends, this is really happening…

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  • We arrive at Lovely Arundel castle

    After a harrowing drive, we arrived in the town of Arundel which was much quainter and pretty than Southampton where I work 45 minutes away.  The castle is very well preserved and still inhabited by its family.  Here’s a photo I took on the walk up to the castle. We must have still looked harried from the drive. As we…

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  • Driving (or riding!) in England is scary

    My last European adventure began with my director renting a car in Heathrow and me navigating us South to Arundel castle which a coworker had recommended that none of us had ever heard of.  I was especially excited because the day we were going to be there was a smugglers and pirates festival. We hit the road and my director…

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  • Appreciation

    Snow greeted us this morning.  The first snow of the year.  Just a dusting.  My brother got a nice pic of it from his office window.  He was kind enough to warn me this morning so I had time to mentally prepare myself for that first “Oh sh*t!” of the day and allowed enough time to warm up my car…

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  • Neuschwanstein & Linderhof Castle tours – too beautiful to be real!

    Tuesday morning we felt that our heads had just touched the pillows before the alarm went off for our early morning meet up with Gray Line tours.  We picked up a butter croissant and cappuccino in the central station.  The public transport here is extremely efficient, clean, convenient, and pretty easy to figure out as well as many of the…

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