And this is not the blog post I planned to write. April 2, 2020 marks the anniversary of quitting my job, selling my home, and traveling for two years. I’d planned to announce that, after much dithering, I had decided to end (or at least pause) my nomadic ways and move to Munich. I would speak of celebrations with my…
My first time back in the US since leaving on my amazing adventure Fellow nomads warned me that I might feel reverse culture shock upon returning to the US after 15 months of traveling. I’m not sure what that was meant to them, but I didn’t have it. Possibly I avoided it since I didn’t go “home” per se and…
A few months ago I got a message saying, “Tiddles and Shindig need you in May!” So here I am revisiting my first housesit. Greetings from Great Malvern, England. After a wonderful but uncharacteristically chilly and rainy stay in Germany, I told the homeowners that I was looking forward to going to England for some warmth and sunshine. I said…
I promise I’ll write about my Scotland experiences soon, but I came across this quote today from Janette Tepas in an International Living article and it expresses something I’ve been thinking about a lot lately. The featured photo is one that I took in Hawaii in 2013. It had rained every day (I’m not talking sprinkles, this was downpour) and…
Snow greeted us this morning. The first snow of the year. Just a dusting. My brother got a nice pic of it from his office window. He was kind enough to warn me this morning so I had time to mentally prepare myself for that first “Oh sh*t!” of the day and allowed enough time to warm up my car…
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My Uterus and the case of the Missing Essay July 22, 2024
A Letter to Myself and a Commitment to Myself and My Memoir June 28, 2024
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