Today marks my 163rd day abroad, 100 days of it being “solo” travel. Can’t very well say 100 days of solitude. My worries about being lonely haven’t had many occasions to be tested. I’ve had visits with friends and family from the US, England, Norway, and Germany and have made new friends here in Berlin. Stacy told me that I…
On my last day in Seville, I felt less of the usual uneasiness when packing up and moving to a new place. I felt ready to start the next chapter. Facing fears of solo travel and driving to Ronda, Spain. Ready to say goodbye to Seville. Stacy wasn’t there to split a taxi fare, so I agonized about saving money…
Recently, A friend posted a very touching and candid video of her preparing to go on a solo journey. It reminded me that I’m not traveling simply for the sake of traveling. For me, this isn’t just a vacation. I am searching for something. I’m not exactly sure what; hopefully, I will recognize it when I find it. Part of…
Copenhagen is clean, sophisticated, convenient, high quality and a bit cold… kind of like me. The subway is very easy to navigate and immaculate. The Quality Inn was conveniently located a few minutes from the metro, the beds were very comfortable, the staff was quite helpful… it was quite unfortunate that the rooms smelled of sewage. On the upside, I…
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