This is it. Stacy sits next to me on the plane to Edinburgh, Scotland, reading a fantasy novel about dragons. As surreal as this feels, we may as well be on our way to fight dragons ourselves. It hasn’t sunk in yet that this is the day. The first day of what? The rest of our lives? The first day…
Today is the last day of my 12-year career at Garmin. Soon every day will feel like a Saturday but today is bittersweet. Yesterday I dropped my dad off at the airport. This morning my brother left before dawn with my sweet Princess Mia Mole Slayer. Today I say goodbye to the friends who have made going to work each…
If you know me at all, you probably know how much I love to travel and I’ve probably told you about my dream to live abroad. For years I have been standing on the edge of a diving board, too afraid to jump in but too stubborn to turn around and walk back. Well, my friends, this is really happening…
Snow greeted us this morning. The first snow of the year. Just a dusting. My brother got a nice pic of it from his office window. He was kind enough to warn me this morning so I had time to mentally prepare myself for that first “Oh sh*t!” of the day and allowed enough time to warm up my car…
Day 5 in Munich is getting off to a slow start. It’s been a wonderful meandering experience with very few firm plans other than nightly drinking with a great group of folks of all ages and origins brought together under a common love of travel, fun, and our gracious host, Bill Laughlin. I’m not as ambitious as Mark with his…
It seems Mark & Nita have fallen in love with France. After honeymooning there a few years ago and going back twice since, they decided to rent an apartment in Avignon for a month and invite friends to come visit. Marcie, Beth & I were so glad that we took them up on the offer. The apartment was beautiful, the food delicious, the…
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My Uterus and the case of the Missing Essay July 22, 2024
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